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General Policies
- Upon registration, each student is required to sign our waiver of liability.
- Class schedule is subject to change due to enrollment.
- Every student is expected to act in a respectful and courteous manner towards teachers, staff, and fellow students.
No make ups or refunds for any missed classes. There will also be no make ups or refunds for classes cancelled due to inclement weather. For snow closings, we follow Central Bucks School District.
Class Etiquette
Absolutely NO chewing gum permitted inside the studio at any time. Snacks are permitted in the waiting area only.
Closed Door Policy
Students must arrive to class on time and prepared to dance. Students who arrive late (15 minutes after the start of class) and unprepared (e.g. dress code and attitude) will not be allowed to participate in class.
Cell phones should remain outside of the dance studio and on silent mode. Students should remove all water bottles, trash, and personal items from the studio once class is finished.
Tuition is a monthly fee. Tuition must be paid the first week of each month. All payments must be made in cash, Venmo or check payable to “Bravo Dance Center.” A $15.00 late fee will be applied to the student’s account for tuition received after the 10th of each month. All returned checks are subject to a $30.00 returned check fee. Tuition is a yearly charge based on the number of classes offered for the year. To accommodate our families, we conveniently break tuition into 10 installments paid monthly. Tuition will not be prorated for any absences, holidays, or cancelled classes. There are no tuition or costume refunds.
Costume payment information will be available in the Fall. Every student is required to pay a deposit per costume with the balance due before Winter/Holiday Break. No costume will be ordered unless costume is paid in full. Costume payments are non-refundable.
Each year culminates with an end of the year performance. Dates for performances and dress rehearsals to be determined.
For Parents/Guardians
Parents and guardians are not permitted to watch class while in session. We ask that students be dropped off and picked up after class. For your convenience, a waiting area is available. Observing class on a weekly basis poses a distraction to some of our students. Please refer to our studio calendar for the designated Observation Day that will be held once a year.
Studio loyalty is important to BDC. Students currently enrolled in classes at BDC are not allowed to take dance classes at other local studios, including other local Summer Intensives.
Safety Procedures for in-person classes
We are so excited to resume in-person classes and we have been busy preparing to safely welcome our students back.
Please take a moment to read through some of our new safety procedures below. Thanks in advance for your cooperation!
- Any dancer who is experiencing any symptoms associated with Covid-19 or has been in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 must stay home.
- We will not be taking our students’ temperatures before they enter the classroom. We kindly ask parents to monitor their children and only send them to class if they are healthy and symptom free.
- Touch free hand sanitizers have been installed in each room. Students must sanitize on their way in and out.
- Students must come to the studio dressed for class, as we cannot accommodate students coming in to change.
- Tuition can be paid at the front desk or through Venmo.
- All students are encouraged to bring their own clearly labeled water bottle with them to class.
- It is not mandatory for students to dance in their masks, but they may do so at their own discretion.
- Barres and high touch areas will be disinfected in between each class. For this reason, we ask parents to be available to promptly pick their dancer up at the end of class as we may end a few minutes early.
- Please note we cannot keep a lost and found area and students are asked to bring all belongings home with them each night.
We appreciate your patience as we navigate these guidelines and new ways of running our classes. Any new rules that are in effect are for your child’s safety. Please contact the studio with any questions or concerns. We are ready to welcome students back and greatly appreciate your support!
Performing live for an audience is a special event for dancers and their families. If this is your dancer’s first dance recital experience, or your first recital experience with Bravo, here are a few important highlights of what to expect during our recital weekend:
- BDC’s recital weekend usually takes place in June. Exact 2022 Recital date TBD.
- Dancers and families receive a schedule for Dress Rehearsal and Recitals prior to ticket sales and recital tickets go on sale on-line (through our website) on May 1 at 9:00 am.
- For security reasons, dressing rooms and backstage areas are for staff, dancers, and recital volunteer/chaperones only. Moms will check in their dancer backstage before show time and pick them at the completion of the show.
- All dancers will stay backstage in their dressing rooms during the show. Dancers will stay for the duration of the show and will participate in our Grande Finale for final bows. There is no exception, as this is for all dancers’ safety.
- We encourage audience members to give your dancers a round of applause at the end of a routine and during impressive moments. Most of us know that it is common courtesy to applaud after each performance and take it from us dancers, the louder the better! Feel free to clap for long turn sequences, big jumps, and other special moments.
- While performance venues do not allow food or drink inside of the theater, we will have a concession stand available for before, after, and during intermission in the lobby only.
- It is customary to give your dancer congratulatory flowers after a performance and this is a great way to make your dancer feel loved and supported. Ask any dancer and they will tell you there is nothing better than adoring all of your beautiful flowers after a big performance. For your convenience, we will have flowers and gifts available for purchase in our lobby at all shows.
- Please avoid entering and exiting the theater during a routine. A good rule of thumb is to only move from your seat in between songs, if necessary.
- No flash photography is permitted in the theater. This is important not only to keep our audience members free of distraction, but also for the safety of our dancers as flash photography is extremely distracting to performers on stage. We know you want to capture the big moments, but we encourage you to put the cameras down! There is nothing like a live performance from your child! All BDC families will receive professional photos and video of the performance after the show is complete. We kindly ask all electronic devices be turned on silent. A Media Fee per family is due by April 1. The Media Fee covers all professional photos and videos at the recital.